I'm N0t Perfect but, I'm a Gurl Which Always Smilex:D
A GurL Which Very N0rmal,"Sm0ker.BluR(:"


Sunday, January 30, 2011
Last blogged @ 1:46 PM

He have given me alot of chance le....
but ii just donnoe he given me alot of chance
untill he donnoe wad he is doing... maybe? ...
Why am ii so silly ...
from the first untill the last...
this is not just a words tht ii say ...
ii really love uu ..
Cos ii really love uu alot.. untill ii donno
wad am ii doing .. donnoe wad ii thinking ..
he call me to change... at the end wad ii do ?
ii disappointed him ...
and ii getting more worst...
smoke more and more ? , shout untill lyk a crazy girl...?
Scold so many bad words? , make him angry ,
make him hate me? , all the bad thing ii do ...
all the thing ii do ... ii make him hate me ....
from the start ii knoe him untill nw ... ii don have a day...
tht make him happy ... only make him angry ...
make him disappointed on me.....
make him so sad ...
cnt really tell why ii love him so much ....
cos ... ii will continues love him.. ... and .. this love wont move away le....
cos ii have stuck on him .... even though ... ii 37days didint talk to him ...
37days.. have nt seem him smilex...
ii knoe this 37days... he didnt really happy....
cos he got a girl beside him ... makes him angry .. make him find very irritating ...
make him find he disappointed on me alot...
ii really find tht ... not he hurts me more ....
is.... ii make him hurts the more....
and... he is not going to beside me anymore le...
cos... he have love a girl... and he wont care me anymore le ..
he will not beside me anymore ...
he wont keep calling me to change le ....
cos ... ii make him disappointed on me....
ii make him give up on me ...
he is gone....
he belong to anther girl ....
he is gone .....
even though he always ... hurt me ... he always
sms me all the words tht hurts me ... ii don mind ...
cos ii make him hurt the most ....
ii really miss him alott....
its gone ....
Dont Bu Yao Guan Wo:'(
Give me one more chance .. just one more....
Sry Boii )':


Last blogged @ 12:22 PM

  • Nth on mye mind ~ , just wanted to be happy can liaox hahas (: (OLD POST In FB)
  • let's dance DDR tgt muhahahaha~
  • Mye mind Ish Blank Lyk a Rainbow ~
  • ii just hate this feeling =,= . and don let miie feel somthing =,= . if not ...
  • uu think ii lyk it nw ii tell uu ii don lyk it ..
  • ii don wan to jump dwn , but can cutt m.s , wan help miie cut mah ?? ^^ to: W.A ii think uu knoe who ii writing to^^
  • S00ner ii g0ing t0 church le wahahahas ^^
  • Just feel so sian in this world without you ... == , Nextp, Can uu try to talk to miie , if uu don try ii also donnoe how to talk to uu.. ==
  • Life ish suck !!! == . ii hate living in this world !! ==
  • LOL .... wad they saying in this quizz is real de ... LOL! ==
  • Zzzz.... whye do uu need to hurt miiie , uu r damn badd.... ):
  • kp la !!! hor !!!
  • iiiiiihateeeeeeitt!!!!!!!!!! next time pls don chuang jing wo de ren shen !!!!!!!!!
  • wo hen xiang ni ... iiloveuuu... ): T___T
  • hohoho^^ nice day ^^
  • Always think somthing ... my tears will drop..
  • hohoho go ktv sing dao siaoo !
  • HOHOHO go ktv again muahahhaas !!!! ktv ROCKX!!!!!! sing 5hr untill SIAO LIAOX !!!! wahahhas !!!
  • just came bk from bk.. Zzzz.. sian sia at hm ==!!
  • don so fk up la hor ! knn .. ii very du lan uu la , don let mii see uu .! ii wont talk to uu de ! ==
  • uu fkk upppp la knn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • knn 1st time so angry untill lyk tht ! damn serious sia wo !!! , anyway sry friends this few days ii hav shout at uu all and scold uu all == .. no mood la ... sry.. ==
  • and... ii nw started to du lan many ppl le .. wish tht uu all will understand... ==]
  • give mii one more chance pls ... , cos only uu can make mii happy , and only uu can make mii change many things .. ii really love uu alot ):
  • If Uu all really want mii to change my attiude pls don so guai lan and do untill so guo fan!!!!!!
  • friends(: , ii will try to change my aittiude And Mye mouth, when ii talking ... Zzzz...=.=] Friends, Can uu guys giv miie some time to change ... ii sure can de ..
  • ii really donnoe wad ii doing ...T____T .. why suddenly ii make untill so worst .. and... make myself more painfull
  • Everthing Have Change ... And Its Is Wired!!! , Its . Really Lyk A Pieces Of Sh!t !
  • ii Just Feeling .. Sian ... W/O Uu... ==
  • Even Though ii Am Hurt ...ii will Love to Hide Secratly ... (:
  • When Uu Always Get Hurt .. Or No One Pei .. ii Will Always Beside Uu (:
  • Againts ... ii going to fell again and again ...
  • ‎4ever And Ever ...
  • love Uu ..(:
  • Him♥ , Basketball , Audition , Listening Song , Dancing DDR , Gans , Friends , Familys , Blk31 Bro & Sis And Study . They Are Mye Everything And All Mye Life !!!(:
  • It's going to change mye life anyway .... it's really feel so hurt !!! wad the fk ??
  • Feel So .... it's has been a space at there .... ii think ... it maybe will always be there ... cos ii only give ... him .... why is ii so stupid anyway ???!!!!
  • hope it will change ...
  • ii very stress !!! in the 1st place why am ii doing lyk tht ?
  • Going to learn hipop dance soon !
  • ii Really D0n L0ve Lyk this... / ii Hatee It!!!!
  • ii Am The One Making Myself Stress !!!!!!! ii Hate It !!!!!!!!!!
  • uu are mye everything !!! ^^
  • Mye Part 1 Why ii nid to make untill ii myself so no mood !!! . Everyone Gt Their Own Gd Life Why it mine ALways Gt Hurt !!! And always a bad luck in all over around mye head !!! Even though hw ii try everyting , it will still go bk to the same ...
  • Mye Part 2 wht is the point to make myself lyk tht .. And Make untill i myself hurt .. and ii always the brave one .. Which can try to stand the hurt ... and try not to cry when ii get hurt ... ii can rather don waste my time in u ... but ii Cnt ... and yet ii still lyk a stupid GirL waiting 4 youu.. !!!
  • Mye Part 2 wht is the point to make myself lyk tht .. And Make untill i myself hurt .. and ii always the brave one .. Which can try to stand the hurt ... and try not to cry when ii get hurt ... ii can rather don waste my time in u ... but ii Cnt ... and yet ii still lyk a stupid GirL waiting 4 youu.. !!!
  • Uu just don care about miie ... ... wad 4 ii still so care about uu ..... -,- ... ii can really don nid to waste mye time to care about uu ... but ii cnt.... ii just cnt giv up on uu .... even though hw ii keep thinking the nagetive way...-,- it just no use .... -,- ii really scare uu will treat mii as a stranger T___T..
  • Uu are my only ...
  • One and only .
  • It's always Make miie No mood ... ii keep putting many things inside mye heart .. Don feel lyk telling anyone ... but .. ii wish to tell [Him] ... And ... share All mye scret with him ... don wish to tell anyone only him ..
  • Sry .. ii have nth to say ... uu just make mii feel so damn it .!! Today kana many time pei xia si
  • I Just wan to change bk my life .. Did ii change alot ..??? ..
  • Wad can i do now ? ): T_T
  • ii really need uu ...
  • Ltr Going jurong west ... Learn hippop Dancee... LOL... today is my first time to go ...
  • Nice Dance Men!!! ii love it !!
  • it's really change alott le .
  • Will this have a Happy Ending ??? O.o..
  • lols... ii am missing youu....
  • lolx... Is this going to be lyk tht forever ??
  • ii am sry .... okey ... ii listen to uu ...
  • Everything will be nice . XD L0ve Uu 4ever .. XD
  • Part1
    Eh. Pls la friends . Pls stop saying about him la ! He did not do
    anything wrong ! for wad uu guys want like tht .
    everyone is friend right .? just becos ii (L) him .
    Write so many Crazy things .
    uu guys must say about him ah !?
  • hey useless people,u not happy just
    tell me , u come out talk la,Face-to-Face talk.
    dun backstab people behind people's back.
    Please la dun be a dog ,so coward.
  • somemore EXPRESS people,study so well also no use,
    character ruins ur life,idiot.
    please la people's affair,dun bother about it ok ?
    Nobodys perfect, so what if people think that u are
    pretty? but ur characters ruin yor image .
  • do uu think this is funny ??
  • EveryThiing Ish N0rmal (:
  • ‎.... Everything is n0rmal ...(:
  • Smilex Always(: . And pls take care urself.^^
  • Uu very good ... uu hurt miie .. again and again...
  • Stop wasting ur time ..
  • Uu Are Always in my Heart (
  • W0AiSiNi(:
  • L0ve Uu♥
  • ‎4Ever Mye Love♥
  • So shag!!! ):
  • ii try my very hard le .. but at the end ii fall again.
  • ii wont fall again anything more .
  • ii am trying too ....
  • just cnt leave w/o u..
  • muackx(:
  • In A Bad Mood!
  • i w0nt give Up 0n Uu . Untill i say i d0n l0ve u
  • h0w u d0 s0mthing just 4 him at the end u wanted is n0t u wanted
  • st0p d0ing tht .. I d0n lyk it .
  • just need u t0 beside me .. Whn i really need u ..
  • l0ve u n0 reas0n . N0 matter wad happen i will still l0ve u untill i say i d0n l0ve u .
  • i just want t0 cherish ,him and my blk31 friends.
  • st0p making me angry! I cann0t take it lia0x!!
  • Everything ish Bec0me w0rs ...
  • Go Away Dont talk to mii ... No mood to talk ...
  • st0p saying infr0nt 0f me!! T_T!
  • Dont Leave Miie ): T_T!!
  • g0 away! I have no m00d t0 talk. T_T
  • ‎(f) la u . hai w0 kana. Wth. U tis d0g!
  • Nen ren jiu ren .. cos he also not my bf ii cnt do anything ,
    ii cnt control himm ....but iii ren bu ju
    will wan to cry whn ii see him play with other gurls
    ZZzzz....-,- . ii keep thinking too much ....
    silly gurl-,-....
  • The day whn uu leave miie ii get hurt ...
    ii wish to have youu beside miiee ):
    try to give me chance ?..
  • its really gone ..
  • its gone... shag-,-!
  • ii miss all of thm T_T
  • The Most Hurting Things Ish Uu See Ur Lurb One , Lurb Some Body Else..
  • The Day whn ii start t0 knw Everthing .. ii have tryed n0t t0 think
    anything.... ii lyk fr0m a big h0le fall in dwn very deep ...
    ii just cnt take it ..
  • Wanted t0 say everything 0ut ... butt ii cntt...
    ii just nid s0me 0ne t0 be mye listener...
  • ii hated uu m0re and m0re and m0re[Pls fk 0ff mye life..](GirL)
  • This feeling ish s0 funny ... whyee sia.
  • N0w ii believe
    Time Can
    Change Everything♥ . L0ve ya♥
  • Damn Sian ... in lan ..
  • ii am Such a faille ...
  • it's does not mean anything ... and ii doesn't want t0 lost uu...
  • ii mean it.. don test me !
    Gett off.!
  • ii don wanna lost uu... really ...
    c0s ii really l0ve uu al0tt.
  • ii don feel lyk talking to any1...just feel lyk crying ..
  • ii donno... ii wanna.. stop advising me ... ii didint wan listen ... just leave it!!!...
  • When you're really gone... the pieces of my heart are missing you...
    and make me tears drop...
  • Haixx.. today so tired... -,- ... it's going to be broken pieces of heart... ):
  • Let me tell u , u'r Suckx -,-
  • life is so complicated...
  • Life is lyk a piece of shit... hiaxx... its make ppl fell so difficult In everthing... we do..
  • Still g0t 3days... haixx.. sian-,-
    wat Uu really wan ... haixxx...
  • Haixx.. life ish complicated
  • Hope Tht Everything this just a dream .
  • wad am ii thinking nw ?? )':
  • Everything maybe is just a dream ... butt.. maybe ii knw .. is not so fast or slow...
  • Secret Lovee !!! Muhahahaha!!!
  • it's really make me donnoe wad to do nw...
    maybe this is just a dream (:
  • Just zou yi bu shun yi bu ... haixxx-,-...
  • Everyting will be a very happy new day..^^
  • The day whn u rr gone ):
  • ii am Sorry boii... ): T_T!!!
    Dont angry le la... T_T!!
    ii cnt take it whn uu with her...T_T
    ii sry ... ii knw ii hurt uu ...(TAlking up side dwn-,-)
  • ii have really n0 idea wad am ii thinking .. and wad am ii doing nw ....
    ... it's really very Complicated ...
  • ii fell hurt ... ii nw really knw w/o uu ...
    ii really very tong ku!!...
    heart broke into pieces of glassT_T
  • wen u get near me i got the feeling i want u so much.wen we kissed i can see our future,but wen we quarrel i got the feeling we are going to leave each other soon.♥(ZZzzz write for fun...)
  • ii really lovex uu al0tt...
    ii really miss uu al0tt...
    ii really miss ur smilexx alott...:)
  • Whn uu rr gone.. my heart broken into half ..
  • ii d0n wanna t0 l0se uu ):
    Wo Ai Ni... ♥
    Playing audi n0w(:
  • Wadever ii do ... It's only have regret/regretted ...
    the day whn uu are gone♥
  • i really very worry aboutt him...
    wad should ii do ...
    my heart really very pain...♥
  • ii really miss ur smilex alott....
    heart pain♥
  • ii am g0ing t0 learn bk my hippop dance sonn!!!! muhahaha!!
    .ii very worry abt thm.... -,-!
    boii... ii donoe how to give up... and..
    don ask mii why ii love u...
    becos .. ii will keep on loving uu....♥
    .Missing Someone....-,-
    Miss S0me0one....T_T
    Missing Uu... , Miss ur smilexx....
    Do uu eaten?? , Wad uu doing nw??
    Wanna call uu and talk to uu):
    Wanna call uu to come out):
    .whn the day is come ...
    pls don say mii stupid ...
    if uu guys knw smth ...
    Wad Do Uu Think ii thinking nw???!
    Donnoe Right???
  • ii Knoe One day uu r gone ...
    ii Knoe One day uu will piss me off...
    ii Knoe One day .. uu Will hurt me more and more...=(
    ii Knoe One day .. uu will nott talk to me ...
    ii Knoe one day uu will not going to care me le....
  • ‎37Days Le... ii miss uu):
    wad should ii do ??
    haixxx... ii miss ur smilex ...
    ii miss ur everything ...
    ... ( New Post)


Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Last blogged @ 12:15 AM

Ytd Is My BaoBeii Birthday !!!
We whn out shopping of tht whn bk to blk31
bbq thr to celebrate my baobeii birthday !! ^^
ii wish her always be happy and wish tht
wadever she wish will also will come ture !!!! (:


Sunday, January 16, 2011
Last blogged @ 11:18 PM

Whn Woodland Garden fishing with mye
blk31 frens LOL!!
butt ii nv fishing ii at thr play latop LOL!!!
if ii am the one who is fishing .... ii wont throw
thm out make thm die... ii will throw bk the
into the water ...
cos everyone or every plants and animal
they also have lifes....
so ii wont do tht ... LOL!!!!
anyway See Ya:D


Saturday, January 15, 2011
Last blogged @ 10:25 AM

--------DONT BE SHOOCK!!!!---------
This Ish Me!!!!!!!!!!@.@
*L0vee Myee BaoBeii!*


Thursday, January 13, 2011
Last blogged @ 1:19 AM

ii fell hurt ... ii nw really knw w/o uu ...
ii really very tong ku!!...
heart broke into pieces of glassT_T!!!!
ii really don wan T_T
it's really very hurt!!!!!!!
ii really very tong kuT_T
make untill myself also donnoe wad to do ...
donnoe wad ii am thinking ..
ii just cnt leave w/o uu...
CAN UU JUST KILL ME !!!!!?????


Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Last blogged @ 6:23 AM

ii really have no idea wad am ii doing
and ... wad am ii thinking nw ...
Zzzzz.... sian ... -,-
maybe everything is just a deam ...
wad don ii try other way...
wait 4 ***************** ....
??? maybe it's work?? trying to think
other way ... but ... whn ii think of our ...
sadness , happyness , hated , love , hurt , complicated..
ii really donnoe wad am ii tinking sia ... -,-
why don ii try to just use the thing tht ii nw tinking ???



{} shirlyx--inlovewithu-idk.bs.com !
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Piss me off and you're so dead.
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Love me, Thn Enjoy At here Gd Bye(:

ThE GirL NexT D00R

 photo 36a5b869-4405-49ae-9095-b6e1ac97c692.jpg

My First cryy on ♥01121996
I Am just ♥Seventeeeeennn:D
♥L0ve "Music N Dance!"♥
I Like t0 make new fren...
I am Friendly .. i wun bite (:
Uu l0ve mii ..ii l0ve uu bk.^_^
Hate miie? I will hate Uu bk(:
If you d0nn0e mii well D0n C0mment Mii..
If Uu n0t happy wif mii ..
Uu can Just c0me
and talk t0 mii(:
I seriously Fell In L0ve Wif Uu .
Dont Believe? if you dont Believe,
thn ii tink ii should Stand Infr0nt Uu .. And Say IL0VEU!❤
well, thanks for reading my craps
Good bye!



This Ish Mie❤
♥ "HIM"(I LOVE Uu) | ♥ 31Friends(SmilexAlways)
♥ W0 Ai Ta(Nice S0ng) | Window Shopping
Audition | Blogging | Skinning | Singing
Friends | Family | Talking Nonsense
Slacking | Crapping | Making Jokes | Toning
Go KTV with mye friends | Playing Basketball
Pink | Black | White | Dancing DDR
Dancing Hiphop | Singing | Emo


TaLk SoMeThInG?

May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 August 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 May 2011 August 2011 July 2012 September 2012 August 2013 March 2019

| Jing Wen ;Baby! | Wen Yan ;AiAi! |
| Serene ;Meii! | Xin Yi ;Darling! |
| Jessica ;(F)Sister! | Batrisyia ;(F)Sister! |
| SinYee ;Laopo! | Xue Ying ;Mei! |
| Cynthia ;Jie! | Jia Qian ;Mei! |
| X.Gina ;Jie! | Rachel ;Mei! |