I'm N0t Perfect but, I'm a Gurl Which Always Smilex:D
A GurL Which Very N0rmal,"Sm0ker.BluR(:"


Thursday, November 26, 2009
Last blogged @ 11:23 PM

wahahahahs !!! ii pass my PSLE !!!
HOOOHOO!!! Wanted to go
Assumption English Sch !!^1^
LOL !!!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Last blogged @ 8:52 AM

Wahhahahahs !!! today play untill very fan sia

bodoh wahahahas ^^ and hor today got

ktv saw william lol one person at there xia

dao sia thn louis kor call him go up ktv

thn he say he waitting for zhou ao Zzz ==]

sian dao sia == thn after tht william they all

come up liaox thn very funny sia wahahas ^^

we at there sing dao siao lor waahahahs ^^

thn hor uu knoe wad anot sian lor william never

sing == ii never listen he sing sia == ):

ZzzzZzz ):


Sunday, November 22, 2009
Last blogged @ 9:44 AM

Hey! D.K pls la .. don so guan lan la !
don pat jiao can ?! don think uu hav the
chance to li yong wo la hor ii hate ppl
li yong wo uu don think uu got ur bro everyone
will scare uu untill faint "FK OFF" !~
uu think ii am ur basketball ar?!
can any how throw arh !~ bu shuang ye
throw shuang ye throw knn !~
pls use ur brind and think la dog !~
mei you li mao de "FK OFF LA"
Lyk to say ppl wont say ur ownself
kuai lan thn mii still can talk so much nb
Hey all (: , today go dwn slack with monkey
and thn jeslyn bring her dog come dwn her name
call cookie hahas a very cute name she very
cute de ii lov to play with her hahas ! (: ,
Da shi shiong also bring dog come dwn
his name call liang liang he very cute
and ker lian lor ): but okey la .. first time
ii will scare abit awhile okey le ..
unkle also got bring dog call xiao bai hahas !!
she very cute sia !! but just cookie and xiao bai
fight siia shi wo sia !! @.@ hahas ^^
michelle also got bring dog call
viky hahas ^^ today slack with my
wonderfull friends and thn play untill so funny ^^
wahhhahas ^^
ok le don wan write le ii very
tried liaox .. ): .. ByeBye(:


Thursday, November 19, 2009
Last blogged @ 11:00 AM

HoHOhO ii go ktv again !!

with soonli , meizhen and jing an and ii make

afull of myself at there LOL ... !!

but all of the sudden soonli and jing an

fight qi lai le ==!! nth la

ii hav make thm become friends again ^^

awhile gina , jeslyn all come le ...

thn .. nth lor lol ^^

after go bk blk31 wahhaahs shi fu

so early come today lol ^^

play untill lyk crazy dog ==!!

LOL!! we eat soooo much of bread at

KTV cos nice mah lol .. ^^

going to sleep le meet soonli 7am

==!! ltr cnt wake up thn die liaox LOL !!

and anyway soon li is going bk his mother there

le ... if ii not wrong ): ... make mii sad .. ==!! damn it !

ZzzzZz.z... aiya wish tht he and his father can win !!

^^ thn soon li no nid with his mother le ^^

byebye (:

gd nite muackkk (:


Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Last blogged @ 7:53 AM

LOL!!! ii today with soon li , mei zhen and
myself go ktv singing , okiee la today ii
play quite fun... Hehehe^^
just nw suddenly gina open
th door wo pei xia dao LOL..


Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Last blogged @ 7:46 AM

LOL! today mei zhen , michelle and ii going
ktv sing song thn hor after finsh our ktv thn
we go bk ... thn when we reach ficknes
corner thn awhile they say when ii sing my
sound lyk wawa sound siao sia !!
oii cb don copy knn wan copy go ur
mother hse and copy la cb
pu bor knn go fk
ur mother la cb !!


Monday, November 16, 2009
Last blogged @ 8:00 AM

Haiixxxx!!! Today ii meet michelle
6pm thn meet kok thean 1st go
RP thn slack there lor after tht
momo and shamin come liaox
we 3 go find thm after tht slack here
slack there lor siann == after tht in go in
RP walan there so nice sia next time ii wan study
there ^.^ Zzzz.. thn with kok thean and michelle
go see the 883 lan walan so nice siaaa !! next time ii
wan go there play == thn go blk845 awhile thn with
michelle go hm ZZzzz sian lor == aiya...
today very lei le ii wan to go rest see ya (:


Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Last blogged @ 9:10 AM

today is my badddd dayyyy!!!

go meet si en tgt go find zi wei she say

she sick don wan come out @.@ thn ii find

jun qi come out lor .. thn we go play basketball

uu knoe wad happen ? tmd ii so bad luck

from ii saw ellson == thn... hor!!

he saw ii trest jun qi thn he help jun qi lor

ii play with him ii keep lose him wad the fk !!

LOL ! he bully miie untill so chan sia knn @.@

after he go liaox .. miie , jun qi and si en play

tai ti after tht ii keep losing wad th~ so bad

luck .. 1st. kana ellson trest , 2nd. late for class ,

3nd. play tai ti keep losing == aiyoooo sooo

bad luck sia ~ Zzzz...


Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Last blogged @ 7:19 AM

Todayy morning sleep untill
half si en msg miie in 7.05am LOL
thn ii wake up liaox , she there write
(shirly today is my last day of sch come to sch pls)
LOL! shock dao! ii forget liaox ZzzZz=,= She
this time thn msg miie , don wan msg miie
earlyer ZzzZz... =,= thn ii can go sch mah ... Zzzz
=,= sian ... after tht ii wanted to meet zi wei and her
thn she tell miie tht zi wei never come sch thn ii sian diao=,=
thn ii say nvm lor ii sms si en tell her tht wan meet her
outside sch thn wait so long "qi shi wo le' =,=
thn miie and si en go Blk845 slack again saw zi wei bro
thn ii call him tell zi wei come dwn thn zi wei and her bro
come dwn liaox lol thn we slack lor funny sia
saw seng huat thn awhile saw zen .. he very lao sia !! @.@ =,=
lol !! hahas thn saw many shuai ge ~ lol Zzzz=,=
after tht awhile si en go bk change liaox thn come bk
after tht she come bk liaox kok thean also at blk845
slack liaox @.@ LOL kok thean bei wo wuan si sia LOL hahas !!!
funny didi LOL ^^ , sian sia ZzzZzz.Zz... thn go bk bbc
thn zhou ao call miie thn ii go there lor , lend from him
basketball and play awhile willy , garrett and william come
liaox .. but ii never go talk to thm la Zzzz... after tht
awhile play with william match walao !!! ii keep lost him de
~ ii think ii always don block him well.. aiya ii don care la Zzz...!!
but ii still lose him ): ii damn sad !!!! ): NVM FINE .... !,!
thn awhile ii go fines corner slack lol play dua tai ti at there
fun sia but hor ... ii teach 2 person teach untill ii wan to
vomit blood liaox zZZZzzZzz.... !! @.@ =.=


Sunday, November 8, 2009
Last blogged @ 11:52 PM

Ytd ii with my famliy go take singapore flyer
also not fun de but hor at there very funny lor
some of my famliy member scare sitting
tht LOL funny sia .. thn miie keep taking
photo LOL Zzzz... (th photo will be posting soon)


Saturday, November 7, 2009
Last blogged @ 8:57 AM

today damn sian sia ZzzzZzz..=,=
come dwn slack thn no body some
go ktv some at hm ii think ... Zzz=,=
bored lor Zzzz.. LOL today is bear day
so many ppl at ficknes corner drink
bear LOL thn sending song to shi fu..
ok la .. but is just very bored Zzzz...
sian lor... tomorrow go "Singapore Flyer"
SIAN also not fun le move so slow Zzz...
tomorrow go there comfim take photo de lor
Sian .. ii don feel lyk going but .. they already
buy hao liaox .. thn must go lor ZzZzzZ...=,=]
ok le gtg le byebye
gd night (:


Friday, November 6, 2009
Last blogged @ 7:00 AM

"LOL" Today soon li came bk liaox
thn meet him at blk30 thn we go play
basketball , after tht 1VS1 with soonli
wo trast him "shishi" de and thn
soon li go ride bic thn ii 1VS1 with william
he trast miie bk "shishi" de Siannn ...
always 1VS1 with him he will win "NOT FAIR"
): , ZzzZz... =,=] thn awhile ii bring william go buy
ice pop , next time ii no nid to help thm buy .
ZzzZzzz.. thn awhile saw shafik cos he wan go home
after tht miie , william and shafik in go in th lift liaox
thn nth lor .. after tht shfik go liaox miie and william inside
he go shake th lift jump here jump there walao ... oh my gosh
ii scare ltr th lift "stuckk!!" but donnoe hav la ...
LOL he really donnoe where hahas funny sia him .
thn ii bring him go lor.... ZzzzzZZ... thn bla bla bla
after tht buy liaox thn we take lift again he keep shaking
th lift thn uu knoe wad happen ? nth lor Zzzz..
cos got ppl go in th lift mah lol hahas ..^^
thn he say stuck liaox but don hav xia shi wo ZzZzz=,=]
thn hor ii tell him ii not going bbc le so ii go find
michelle N soonli in fickners corner thn ii play
at there lor Zzzzzzzzz..... =,= after tht
william , zhou ao and many of thm come to
ficknes corner , thn we play tai ti lor hahas ^^
thn after tht we play "monkey ball"
must catch de lol ! thn everyone play untill
"SIAO" liaox ZzzZz... =,=] , hahas ^^
ok le the end ^^
N gd night (:


Thursday, November 5, 2009
Last blogged @ 8:14 AM

Sua la! ii go mrs koh office today .
just gone to sch thn go so many
tai ji my gosh lor .. ZZzzZz.
after tht ii at mr koh office outside
sit untill very long from 7 somthing
sit untill 12.25pm oh my gosh ...
so tired lor ZzzZzz..
after coming out from mrs koh
office ii gone to eat ..
after tht ii go blk 845 slacking
with si en and zi wei funny sia ..
awhile saw many shuai ge sia ...
ridding bic oh my gosh !!
thn zi wei suddenly diam diam lol..
thn the whole boii say orhh is zi wei "LOL"
they knoe zi wei de , ii kana shock sia ~
thn zi wei said , they are zen friends lol lor ..
after tht ii keep saying shuai ge to
si en and zi wei .. thn awhile zi wei
said wan to go home thn ii say okiee lor..
thn ii help her to press th lift thn suddenly
saw 3 boii ridding again , and thn zi wei go la
shuai ge at there go jio . "SIAO" , thn ii shout
OH MY GOSHHH!! Knn the 3 boii turn behide wad th ~
thn ii scare liaox luckly the lift open ii chiong in ..
thn come out again nthing liaox sia shi ren my goshh...
just joke only wad ZzzZZzz... after tht go home liaox ...
sian... ZzzZzzz...
7pm , ii go dwn slack thn saw monkey LOL
he long time never come dwn liaox lor
lolxx thn ii talk to shi fu and monkey
talk untill keep laughing hahas !!
suddenly father call knn lor
thn he keep scold scold scold scold
Zzzzzzz... boii only nia ..
we also never do anything .. he at there
scold ZzzzzzZZz.. !! @.@


Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Last blogged @ 7:19 AM

no mIood la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !
no moIod la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !
no mIood la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !
no moIod la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !
no mIood la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !
no moIod la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !
no mIood la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !
no moIod la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !
no mIood la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !
no moIod la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !
no mIood la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !
no moIod la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !
no mIood la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !
no moIod la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !
no mIood la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !
no moIod la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !
no mIood la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !
no moIod la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !
no mIood la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !
no moIod la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !
no mIood la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !
no moIod la ! no moHod la ! no moAod la ! no moTod la ! no moEod la ! no moUod la !


Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Last blogged @ 7:32 AM

sry.. this post has been
deleted thx (:



{} shirlyx--inlovewithu-idk.bs.com !
I'm the blogger, you're the reader .
So I blog , you read. Not happy ? Fk Off .
No spamming/ripping (:
IP is available 24/7 .
Piss me off and you're so dead.
Tag before you leave. I love my blog so don't dirty it alright.
Hate me, click HERE
Love me, Thn Enjoy At here Gd Bye(:

ThE GirL NexT D00R

 photo 36a5b869-4405-49ae-9095-b6e1ac97c692.jpg

My First cryy on ♥01121996
I Am just ♥Seventeeeeennn:D
♥L0ve "Music N Dance!"♥
I Like t0 make new fren...
I am Friendly .. i wun bite (:
Uu l0ve mii ..ii l0ve uu bk.^_^
Hate miie? I will hate Uu bk(:
If you d0nn0e mii well D0n C0mment Mii..
If Uu n0t happy wif mii ..
Uu can Just c0me
and talk t0 mii(:
I seriously Fell In L0ve Wif Uu .
Dont Believe? if you dont Believe,
thn ii tink ii should Stand Infr0nt Uu .. And Say IL0VEU!❤
well, thanks for reading my craps
Good bye!



This Ish Mie❤
♥ "HIM"(I LOVE Uu) | ♥ 31Friends(SmilexAlways)
♥ W0 Ai Ta(Nice S0ng) | Window Shopping
Audition | Blogging | Skinning | Singing
Friends | Family | Talking Nonsense
Slacking | Crapping | Making Jokes | Toning
Go KTV with mye friends | Playing Basketball
Pink | Black | White | Dancing DDR
Dancing Hiphop | Singing | Emo


TaLk SoMeThInG?

May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 August 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 May 2011 August 2011 July 2012 September 2012 August 2013 March 2019

| Jing Wen ;Baby! | Wen Yan ;AiAi! |
| Serene ;Meii! | Xin Yi ;Darling! |
| Jessica ;(F)Sister! | Batrisyia ;(F)Sister! |
| SinYee ;Laopo! | Xue Ying ;Mei! |
| Cynthia ;Jie! | Jia Qian ;Mei! |
| X.Gina ;Jie! | Rachel ;Mei! |