I'm N0t Perfect but, I'm a Gurl Which Always Smilex:D
A GurL Which Very N0rmal,"Sm0ker.BluR(:"


Friday, October 30, 2009
Last blogged @ 8:21 AM

Today miie and darling go a dangerous
place , we 2 very scared lor Zzzzz...
aiyooo... darling keep say got somthing
thn ltr say she saw somthing thn wo
keep bei xia tao thn when she shout
ii also wan shout sia , xia shi wo~
knn ... but miie and darling got a gd time
tgt ^^


Sunday, October 25, 2009
Last blogged @ 8:49 AM

ii hav nthing to say la Zzzzz ...

Today ish mye sis birthday ~

happyyyyy birthdayyyyy tooo uuuu moonnnnn!!!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Last blogged @ 8:34 AM

Today jingwen meimei And ii
go woodgrove sec waitting for wenyan
aiai and xin yi darling . after tht ii
saw many guai lan de ppl at
woodgrove after tht
jun jie come out liaox anyhow
scold scold de lolx
thn wenyan and xin yi
come out liaox . thn wait for jack
LOL jack very long sia ! ii wait untill fong liaox
thn awhile thn we go vista point , 7eleven
thn they buy some thing eat.
thn awhile jingwen put her water
at there thn jun jie friend
go drink also donnoe whye siao de lol~
ok just nw mii and xin yi , jing wen , wenyan
go rachel hse dwn staste wait for her
to come dwn and wad th fk is when we reach
playground thn rachel come out liaox
cb sia knn th rachel lao lan knn
talk to her she so lao lan ,
thn ii chai yi dian slap dao her ,
thn awhile ii push her she scared
liaox . thn she run away she wan tell her mother
. ownself tai qi wont ownself settle wan mother
settle fk la her . thn ii with her same la , ii call my
father dwn knn la her . still she say not scared
of miie bu dao 1mins thn she cry liaox
humji la bo chi bai de la !
she better watch out la !
see la ! if she come sch ii at outside wait for her
see how lo ! who tell her run away lyk
humji gou lyk tht !
go home drink ur mother
milk la knn pcb!


Monday, October 19, 2009
Last blogged @ 9:26 AM

Muhahahhahaha ytd miie , meimei
And AiAi go ktv sing
Fun sia there we 3 gone
Crazy liao muhahahhas !!
Thn after tht go eat
spakattie nice lor we Eat untill very


Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Last blogged @ 9:12 AM

Siannnnnn !!! Sia !!! Arhhhhh!!! nth to do ...
ye lai ye sian liaox arh sian dao yao
si liaox la ... wo xiang zao shi qing zhou
Zzzzz nvm .... ii go visit ppl blogshop bahx
Sian dao zao shi Zzzzz =,=]


Saturday, October 10, 2009
Last blogged @ 9:42 AM

In tuesday , 2 july 2009 ,
ii did write this one nw ii had add some more
let see bahx (:
1.ii felt sad .. 2.ii felt v.loney in tis world..3.ii felt v.sian in tis world ..4.ii felt so sleepy ..5.She ish just a girl..6.She dun hav the strong to make him happy..7.She donnoe hw to help him ..8.Oneday ii will get crazy de ~9.She scared of somthing ~10.No one knoe wad ii feel~11.No one knoe wad ii doing in tis world..12.No one knoe wad ii thinking ..12.(If Uu want miie to giv up on uu ii cant do it..)13.(Pls understand mye feeling ..
14. Loving uu 4eva 15. 4eva lov uu (:) .


Last blogged @ 8:46 AM

Wah! today play ture or dare play untill wo bei xia si arh
1st. tell miie kiss th floor very scary sia very er xin
de lor . 2nd go take one boy de number tht ii donnoe
very .. aiya all thing tht ii didint did b4 de
xia dao wo fa dou lol . hahas
but today it's fun but ii am angry
wif ********** N very ******** with
********** N *********** Haixx nvm la
ii will **** de hahas ii am a brave girl anything
also can **** de .. but somtime ii will think of
th past when ii wif him N all mye friends ..
just nw play basketball play untill half at there
fa tai thn william freak wo . wo bei xia dao aiyo
always kana dao he . xia si wo le lol mei yi qze wo
tou bei xia dao hahas next time is mye turn hehe (:
T0 mye kor garrett :
Kor pls d0n throw mye basketball
la . and anyway ii got distured Uu
mah? . thn anyhow throw mye bastketball
Up if ii throw ur basketball uu will happy mah
ii think uu also will buey song .
uu think very shuang to play mye basketball
lyk tht arh ?
thn uu go throw others basketball la
uu see wad happen to uu lor .
ii don wan to say too much to uu le
next time uu will knoe le . byebye.
ii L0v th past when ii with Uu N all
mye crazy friends but .. nw ... wad ii had
done ish lyk tht . ii was thinking whye last
time ii don wan to zhen xi N zhen xi all mye friends
but nw ... ii started to hurt many ppl and hated many
ppl .. but ii started t0 lyk gina N jeslyn more and more
in friend le .. donnoe whye and ii also started to lyk uu more
and more le even though wad uu did to them .. or ppl did to
uu ii just lov uu .. but this lov only will keep inside mye heart
cos .. *** *** *** **** **** ** getting regret ish miie
but next time get regret is uu but fang xin bahx
ii wont let uu regrat anything de ...


Friday, October 9, 2009
Last blogged @ 10:24 PM

Zzzz ii nothing to write
ok tht's it


Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Last blogged @ 1:14 AM

loving uu ish a surprise ii also
donnoe whye lol.. loving uu also cnnt
love hao . it were also got ppl . loving uu
very xin ku but ii don mind cos i turly love u .
suddenly ii think about a thing tht ii make
uu get more hurts when ii always xiang dao
ii will feel lyk crying out loudly wanted to have
a hug to uu .. ii keep have this stupid
mind! nw ii donnoe wad to do wanted to tell some
one tht they knoe uu wad they can help miie? , but ii cnt find
one at all . ii donnoe how to do .. ii cnt giv up ...
ii really cnt ... if u will mii uu comfim also cnt giv up
uu wont kne whye ii lyk tht say de ii tell uu ...
u have did a thing tht nobody has done b4 to mii

and only uu can did it to mii .. this thing has let miie love
uu more and have a stupid feeling .. with uu ...
ii regret whye ii let qiu ling tell uu tht ii like uu !!!
if ii never tell ii think this wont so si lyk nw . don say nw la
ii nw also donnoe wad to do . talk to uu also very kun nan liaox
ask uu ok ma uu bu chai wo . when ii tok to u is lyk ii toking to a
ziang bi =,=] if tht time ii did not run away maybe ii wont hurt
uu too much but nw this cheng wei shi xhi le ): arhhhhhh dieeee laaaa !!!!


Last blogged @ 12:40 AM

ii Help Uu lyk wad ii did to mye
bestie but ... ii help uu , uu go tell
th person sis make untill wo tio ma
wan to help uu everything but uu did
this has make miie cnt trest many more
of mye friends . you
just giv miie a thing tht ii hate .
ii don lyk and hurts .
next time got anything ii will keep
to mye self ii wont tell le . and ii will
not help anymore since uu don wan mye
help ii donnoe wad to say le .
ok le byebye


Monday, October 5, 2009
Last blogged @ 11:35 PM

Nii mama fong wo mama ye
yao fong wo mama ni mama wo mama
ni mama "LOL" relax relax this is just
playing nia not real so relax nth to be
angry . just take it as a joke .
if uu cnnt take it as a joke tht
ish ur problem le .
and ii don wan to be angry.


Sunday, October 4, 2009
Last blogged @ 12:36 AM

Aiyo ... ytd sick lyk siaocharbor sia ~
1. 38.8
2. 38.5
3. 38.3
4. 37.9
thn blua blua blua
the thing just up and dwn
up and dwn lyk crazy Zzzz
today arh ii donnoe how liao
la ...



{} shirlyx--inlovewithu-idk.bs.com !
I'm the blogger, you're the reader .
So I blog , you read. Not happy ? Fk Off .
No spamming/ripping (:
IP is available 24/7 .
Piss me off and you're so dead.
Tag before you leave. I love my blog so don't dirty it alright.
Hate me, click HERE
Love me, Thn Enjoy At here Gd Bye(:

ThE GirL NexT D00R

 photo 36a5b869-4405-49ae-9095-b6e1ac97c692.jpg

My First cryy on ♥01121996
I Am just ♥Seventeeeeennn:D
♥L0ve "Music N Dance!"♥
I Like t0 make new fren...
I am Friendly .. i wun bite (:
Uu l0ve mii ..ii l0ve uu bk.^_^
Hate miie? I will hate Uu bk(:
If you d0nn0e mii well D0n C0mment Mii..
If Uu n0t happy wif mii ..
Uu can Just c0me
and talk t0 mii(:
I seriously Fell In L0ve Wif Uu .
Dont Believe? if you dont Believe,
thn ii tink ii should Stand Infr0nt Uu .. And Say IL0VEU!❤
well, thanks for reading my craps
Good bye!



This Ish Mie❤
♥ "HIM"(I LOVE Uu) | ♥ 31Friends(SmilexAlways)
♥ W0 Ai Ta(Nice S0ng) | Window Shopping
Audition | Blogging | Skinning | Singing
Friends | Family | Talking Nonsense
Slacking | Crapping | Making Jokes | Toning
Go KTV with mye friends | Playing Basketball
Pink | Black | White | Dancing DDR
Dancing Hiphop | Singing | Emo


TaLk SoMeThInG?

May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 August 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 May 2011 August 2011 July 2012 September 2012 August 2013 March 2019

| Jing Wen ;Baby! | Wen Yan ;AiAi! |
| Serene ;Meii! | Xin Yi ;Darling! |
| Jessica ;(F)Sister! | Batrisyia ;(F)Sister! |
| SinYee ;Laopo! | Xue Ying ;Mei! |
| Cynthia ;Jie! | Jia Qian ;Mei! |
| X.Gina ;Jie! | Rachel ;Mei! |