I'm N0t Perfect but, I'm a Gurl Which Always Smilex:D
A GurL Which Very N0rmal,"Sm0ker.BluR(:"


Friday, July 31, 2009
Last blogged @ 7:21 AM

Say Real de Today play untill very shuang lor wahahaha !!! wif William , Garrett kor , Zhou ao , Monkey , Anson Willy N Jordan HAHA!! ^___^ ii always saw his face it was very cute lor if ii tell mye friend about his face was cute they comfim vomit de lor ZzzZZzz.... haixxx !!

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Last blogged @ 7:35 AM

Hellox all ^_^
today ii play untill v.happy
lor wish tht unknown boy
can faster come bk marsiling
!! ii going to miss him soon!! ~
~THe ENd~

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Last blogged @ 1:23 AM

iilovvingg Him<333333 ^^
iiloving myee audi cpl<3333 ^^
iiloving mye baobei<333 ^^
iiloving mye girlfriend<333 ^^
ii loving mye rainbow<333 ^^
ii Love all mye basketball friends^^
Guys Uu are mye rockxx !! 4ever!! ^^
Loving uu guys ^___^

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Last blogged @ 6:40 AM

Today ii at bbc play untill
siao lor monkey very funny lor
lol . ii laught untill siao arh hahaah !


Saturday, July 11, 2009
Last blogged @ 7:53 AM

Today in the morning
ii pei jasmine go bk hm take somthing
and thn jordan also got go ..
after tht we go bbc play ,
ii play untill shose spoil untill 7pm
thn mii , jasmine n jordan go center
cut hair together but jordan never cut
only mii n jasmine cut only $7 sia ..
and thn go bk bbc saw garrett n zhou ao ..
thn ii go buy coke after tht zhou ao call william
and william come down bbc .. after tht tok to
garrett n jasmine hahas very funny ^____^
It's like Feeling so happy today night ...
but my outside heart cant smilex well
ish like somthing stuck inside ..
ii wanted to change very thing ..
in mye self is just tht ii am trying to..
somtime ppl make mii angry ii will
scold bad word if he always come down
maybe ii will change bk agian ..
mye heart only got 1 person name ish inside
once his name his broken into half my heart will
also crack .. when today ii saw him .. ii felt feeling happy
bt ish tht we never tok to each other ... ii don hav th strong
to tok to him .. if ii tok to him ppl bu yi ting one to tok to mii ..
tis wad ii think ... wanted to play with him ... but ii just cnt T__T
~The End~


Friday, July 10, 2009
Last blogged @ 10:42 AM

why do i love u ?? to some one ...
When Uu started to hav feelings with someone
Uu wont know it .. untill the last Uu will know ..
feeling love with ur bf/gf ish nothing wrong with it ..
(if one day ur lover or ur non lover hav help Uu to tong le yi tao)
wadd Uu will do ??? ... ii am still waiting 4 him to asap mii ..
nw ii was thinking tht if ii help him to tong le yi tao ..
wadd he will do ??


Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Last blogged @ 9:03 AM

Todae very funny ii just nw
in the night me , monkey ,jasmine
N garrett together play match N then
ii do funny things , just nw monkey
ben down and thn ii pass the ball to him
the ball nort untill monkey head funny lor!!
AND THEN everyone keep laughing like hell !!
T___T N hor just nw ii want giv monkey the ball..
ii boun the ball make untill garrett bkside hahaahs !!!
FUNNY LOR !!! very body keep laughing !! hahas !
this ish the most funny one !! hahas !!
~THe ENd~


Last blogged @ 8:51 AM

ii really cant take it le ...
mye eyes very pain ii cant
open mye eyes big !! ii hate it !!
ii hate mye eyes !! ii nt feelin well ..
tis feel days since after mye operation
ii very xin ku to look at mye friends ~
and ii very xin ku ...
very body scared of mye eyes...
haix sian ...
~The EnD~


Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Last blogged @ 7:32 AM

haixx .. ii just nw go bbc ...
every body saw mii got sceared
dao ii very scared one day all of
them will run away from mii ..
ii nw also dont dare to look at mye
self .. ii nw donno hw to go school liaox
ii very scared ...


Monday, July 6, 2009
Last blogged @ 8:36 PM

hello~ all , ii just came
bk from operation ii not
going for school
2weeks .. haix sian
eye blue black got blood so
not nice lor .. cannot see mye eyes
proprely N ii nw vrey pain ... very
xin ku ...
~The EnD~


Last blogged @ 9:10 AM

To Unknow Boy ..
Uu are the one ii will wait Four ...
ii trust uu everything .. ppl say Uu
ii will angry ... ii very worry about
Uu.. Tell mii to giv up on uu ii cant
do it.. cos .. ii love uu too much le ...
ii know uu hate mii bt still ii wont
giv up on uu .. ii hate ppl say uu ..
die le or say uu hand broken .. in mye
heart only hav uu don hav any ppl ...
ii dont care wad ppl say to mye
why like uu bt in mye heart ii dont care
if uu nid me ii will always beside uu ..
wad they say is their problem ...
wish tht last time when we together very happy
nw ii wish will be same like last time ..
like together play basketball together team ..
~The EnD~


Last blogged @ 8:18 AM

ii hate today . today ish a stup!d day
basketball friends all change alot donno
why .. and thn william today don wan see mii
haixx ii tomorrow go operation liaox ..
he also don wan care about miie ):
haixx he go bk bukit panjang 1 month sia..
bt still ii will wait 4 him de ...
ii can wait de .. anyway ii october
going bk bukit panjang le Zzzzz haix ...
and thn today garrett change alot le ...
and thn zhou ao also , anson also ... haix
donno why... ii donno why somthing wrong
with mye bbc friends haix ... gt many tai zi leh ..
haix ... wish tht ii one day with william can be ok ...
~The EnD~


Saturday, July 4, 2009
Last blogged @ 10:43 PM

Nid some one to help mii ...
ii hav lost my way ...
ii donno which line to go ..
ii donno wad ii doing ...
ii donno why nw ii abit started
to change bk my atitude .. ii very scared ..
like got somthing crush to miie .. ii donno
wad to do .. Shirly wad are uu doing !!! ????
ii very scared !!! ii hate this feel ii want some
one to help ... ii hav already lost my way ..
ii cant let go my last time atitude ii don wan
!!! ii don wan ppl to hate miie ii want to let ppl
like miie as in friends!! ii wanted to stop !!
ii am trying to !!! ii want to change every thing !!!


Last blogged @ 10:25 PM

Ytd ish a crazy day .. ii hate ytd night
somthing happen to miie !! . ii acturly
tot ish qiu ling or jasmine how ii knoe !!
ish mii !! ii ytd very sua arh !!! ii am
so stupid go giv some one mye number !
if stephen kor go them the boy mye number !!
ii comfim die arh die arh !!! Wish tht today they
won't come down bbc !!
~The End~


Thursday, July 2, 2009
Last blogged @ 9:11 AM

1.ii felt sad ..
2.ii felt v.loney in tis world..
3.ii felt v.sian in tis world ..
4.ii felt so sleepy ..
5.She ish just a girl..
6.She dun hav the strong to make him happy..
7.She donnoe hw to help him ..
8.Oneday ii will get crazy de ~
9.She scared of somthing ~
10.No one knoe wad ii feel~
11.No one knoe wad ii doing in tis world..
12.No one knoe wad ii thinking ..
12.(If Uu want miie to giv up on uu ii cant do it..)
13.(Pls understand mye feeling .. thx(: )


Last blogged @ 7:12 AM

ii hav letting ppl to hate miie ii hav
thiings tht ppl donno about wad ii
thinking , ii donno who to talk to ...
ii donnoe where ii going to do ..
ii donnoe hw my friends feel when
ii was getting crazy wif it ..
ii donnoe everythings .. ii only know
tht ii wanted to run away from my friends
ii just hate it .. ii just feel tht many ppl started
to hate miie .. ii can't do anything if some one
hate mii .. ii donnoe wad to do if my friends
>Du Lan <
mii .. ii just wanted tht person ..
ish tht some one ish hurting miie ..
wanted to snach th person from miie ..
ii also cnnt do anything .. so nothing ii cn
do with it .. ii wanted to change somthing ..
when the person come bk .. ii wanted to knoe
wad happen to tht person ... and why he
d.snt wan to tell mii wad happen to him ish tht ..
ii donnoe everthing untill some one tell's mii thn ..
ii knoe eveythiing tht's ish why ii was thinking about ..
no one noe my feel N wad ii was thing about ..
ii nt going to tell anyone about my mind N my heart
was thinking .. cos ii don hav a friends tht ii can be
happy N help miie 4 somthing .. nw ish the time tht
ii nid to help my ownself to do somthing ...



{} shirlyx--inlovewithu-idk.bs.com !
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So I blog , you read. Not happy ? Fk Off .
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IP is available 24/7 .
Piss me off and you're so dead.
Tag before you leave. I love my blog so don't dirty it alright.
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Love me, Thn Enjoy At here Gd Bye(:

ThE GirL NexT D00R

 photo 36a5b869-4405-49ae-9095-b6e1ac97c692.jpg

My First cryy on ♥01121996
I Am just ♥Seventeeeeennn:D
♥L0ve "Music N Dance!"♥
I Like t0 make new fren...
I am Friendly .. i wun bite (:
Uu l0ve mii ..ii l0ve uu bk.^_^
Hate miie? I will hate Uu bk(:
If you d0nn0e mii well D0n C0mment Mii..
If Uu n0t happy wif mii ..
Uu can Just c0me
and talk t0 mii(:
I seriously Fell In L0ve Wif Uu .
Dont Believe? if you dont Believe,
thn ii tink ii should Stand Infr0nt Uu .. And Say IL0VEU!❤
well, thanks for reading my craps
Good bye!



This Ish Mie❤
♥ "HIM"(I LOVE Uu) | ♥ 31Friends(SmilexAlways)
♥ W0 Ai Ta(Nice S0ng) | Window Shopping
Audition | Blogging | Skinning | Singing
Friends | Family | Talking Nonsense
Slacking | Crapping | Making Jokes | Toning
Go KTV with mye friends | Playing Basketball
Pink | Black | White | Dancing DDR
Dancing Hiphop | Singing | Emo


TaLk SoMeThInG?

May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 August 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 May 2011 August 2011 July 2012 September 2012 August 2013 March 2019

| Jing Wen ;Baby! | Wen Yan ;AiAi! |
| Serene ;Meii! | Xin Yi ;Darling! |
| Jessica ;(F)Sister! | Batrisyia ;(F)Sister! |
| SinYee ;Laopo! | Xue Ying ;Mei! |
| Cynthia ;Jie! | Jia Qian ;Mei! |
| X.Gina ;Jie! | Rachel ;Mei! |